• Our official website. You can browse and select your favorite collectibles on our website and complete the purchase process easily.but prices may vary depending on shipping methods. If you have any further questions about purchasing our collectibles, please feel free to contact our customer service team. We will be happy to assist you.
  • Our collectibles are primarily made of resin. Resin is selected for several reasons. Firstly, it is highly durable, ensuring that our collectibles can withstand the test of time and be cherished for years to come. Secondly, resin has an excellent ability to capture intricate details. This allows us to create collectibles with highly detailed and realistic designs, bringing out the essence and charm of the subject matter. Whether it's the fine lines on a character's face or the delicate texture of an object, resin enables us to achieve a level of detail that is truly remarkable. Additionally, resin is a versatile material that can be molded into various shapes and forms, giving us the creative freedom to design unique and captivating collectibles. We take great care in choosing the highest quality resin to ensure that our products not only look beautiful but also meet the highest standards of craftsmanship. If you have any questions about the use of resin in our collectibles or would like more information, please feel free to contact our customer service team. We are always happy to assist you.
  • Sometimes bad things happen to good collectibles, but never fear — we‘re here to help! Just contact us within 30 days of delivery, and one of our expert Product Support Representatives can assist you. If the item is damaged, we'll pay for the return shipping (though just know that we will ask for pictures of the damage and packaging). If you decide that you simply don't want it, then you pay for the return shipping. Once we receive it back, you'll get the refund or replacement that you requested. Easy peasy!


  • Market Breakthrough
  • The Tough Start
  •  The Germination of Entrepreneurship